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Publications in peer-reviewed journals






PhD thesis

Colléony A. (2016). Evaluation of the potential of zoos in reconnecting people with nature and conservation issues. Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris.

Book chapters
  • Colléony A. (2017) Le zoo, un lieu de reconnexion à la nature? In: Fleury C. & Prévot A-C (Ed) (2017) Le souci de la nature. Apprendre, inventer, gouverner. Paris, CNRS editions, 378p.

  • Nettle D. & Colléony A. (2014) The Tyneside Neighbourhoods Project: Investigating the psychological geography of one British city. In: Rentfrow, Peter J. (Ed) (2014) Geographical psychology: Exploring the interaction of environment and behavior (pp. 301-321) Washington, US: American Psychological Association, 343 pp.

Publications in non-peer reviewed journals
  • Colléony A. (2017) Zoos, peuvent-ils aider à reconnecter les urbains avec la nature ? L’Ecologiste n°50 Nouveaux regards sur l’animal.

  • Prévot A.-C. & Colléony A. (2015) Une nouvelle expérience de la nature. Pour la Science. Dossier n°89 Climat, relever le défi du réchauffement : 102-107.

  • Colléony A. (2015) Une expérience émotionnelle et sociale. Travaux Dirigés pour la Classe. N° 1094 spécial Le Parc Zoologique de Paris: 18-19.


Invited speaker
  • Colléony A. Restoring human-nature interactions to help mitigate the biodiversity crisis. 10th Student Symposium of the Swiss Institute for Dryland Environmental and Energy Research (SIDEER) – The Human Element: Challenges Facing Science and Society. Sde Boker, Israel. 19-21/04/2019

Talks (based on abstract selection)


  • Colléony A., Levontin L. & Shwartz A. Using ‘cues to experience’ to promote meaningful nature interactions and enhance positive affect when visiting green spaces. Social Science Working Group 1st Twitter Conference. 16/06/2020


  • Colléony A., Levontin L. & Shwartz A. “Smell flowers”! Priming increases meaningful experiences of nature and well-being. Israeli Conference for Conservation Science (ICCS). Haifa, Israel. 16-17/04/2019


  • Shwartz A., Colléony A. & White R. The influence of spending time outside on experience of nature and conservation attitudes: Results from a cross-cultural study across France, Israel and the UK. International Network for Urban Biodiversity and Design (URBIO). Cape Town, South Africa. 11-14/09/2018

  • Colléony A., White R. & Shwartz A. Can walking dogs influence experience of nature and conservation attitudes? Results from a cross-cultural study. European Congress for Conservation Biology (ECCB). Jyväskylä, Finland. 11-15/06/2018


  • Colléony A., Clayton S., Couvet D., Saint Jalme M. & Prévot A.-C. Human preferences for species conservation: Animal charisma trumps endangered status. Israeli Conference for Conservation Science (ICCS). Sde Boker, Israel. 03-04/04/2017


  • Colléony A., Prévot A.-C., Saint Jalme M. & Clayton S. Defining the experience of nature of a large sample of French respondents. Young Natural History scientists Meeting (YNHM). Paris, France. 02-06/02/2016

  • Colléony A., Prévot A.-C., Saint Jalme M. & Clayton S. Qu’est-ce que l’expérience de visite au zoo, et quelles en sont les conséquences sur la connexion à la nature et les préoccupations vis-à-vis de la biodiversité ? Comité Français pour la Pédagogie Zoologique (CFPZ). Paris, France. 19-22/01/2016


  • Colléony A., Prévot A.-C., Saint-Jalme M. & Clayton S. La visite au zoo peut-elle influencer la connexion à la nature et les préoccupations vis-à-vis de la biodiversité ? 5ème Colloque Association pour la Recherche en Psychologie Environnementale (ARPEnv) : Transition écologique : de la perception à l’action. Nanterre, France. 11-12/06/2015


  • Colléony A., Prévot A.-C., Clayton S. & Saint Jalme M. Conservation and the "extinction of experience" : do zoos matter? 22nd Biennial Conference of International Zoo Educators Association. Hong Kong, China. 01-07/09/2014

  • Colléony A., Prévot A.-C., Clayton S. & Saint Jalme M. Comment les visiteurs de zoos perçoivent-ils la nature, dans et hors du zoo ? Journée Ecologie Urbaine, Programme Dens’cité. Paris, France. 08/07/14

  • Colléony A., Prévot A.-C., Clayton S. & Saint Jalme M. Do Zoo experiences impact people’s conservation behavior through enhanced connectedness with nature? 8th International Zoo and Aquarium Marketing Conference (WAZA). Bristol, UK. 11-14/04/14


  • Nettle D., Colléony A. Variation in cooperative behaviour within a single city. Human Behavior and Evolution Society 23rd Annual Conference. Montpellier, France. 29/06/11-03/07/11

  • Colléony A., Lalot M., Liévin A., Dollion N., Malassis R. , Péron F. & Bovet D. Are African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) prosocial? Ecology & Behaviour Meeting, SERL 2011. Rennes, France. 02-06/05/11

Posters (based on abstract selection)


  • Colléony A., Clayton S., Saint-Jalme M. & Prévot A.-C. What is a “natural place”? Perceptions of a large sample of French respondents. 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB) and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology (ECCB). Montpellier, France. 02-06/08/2015


  • Péron F., Colléony A., Liévin A., Malassis R., Dolion N., Nagle L. & Bovet D. Prosocial behaviour as a condition to maintain cooperation in a token exchange task in African grey parrots. INCORE conference. Cooperation: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Budapest, Hungary.17-18/09/10

  • Péron F., Liévin A., Colléony A., Malassis R., Dollion N., Nagle L. & Bovet D. Testing cooperative abilities in budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) INCORE conference. Cooperation: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Budapest, Hungary. 17-18/09/10

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